1. Complete the Contact Form with your details.
2. You will receive an email with a quote for the work. This quote will include the amount of deposit requested we can be up to 50% of the transcription job. Once this is agreed upon, you will receive a contract for signature and deposit invoice.
3. Once we have a signed contract, I will send you an email containing a unique link which will allow you to upload your audio or video file directly to me.
4. When your transcript is complete, you will receive an email containing a new link allowing you to download your transcript and your invoice. Full payment is to be made on receipt of the invoice.
You will be sent an invoice with payment options including using Paypal or Stripe.
Strict verbatim means that your transcript will include everything that is said during the recording with no editing. This includes the use of uh, um and you know as well as false starts and even tags such as [laughs]. It takes more time than a transcript in standard verbatim and therefore costs a little more.
Well, uh, it’s been a great year, you know. The company did, um — we did a great deal better than last year, and, um, of course, we also, uh, did a lot more bus,- business than our main competitors [laughs].
In standard verbatim, the transcript would include minor editing and would look like this.
It’s been a great year. We did a great deal better than last year, and, of course, we also did a lot more business than our main competitors.
Time coding involves adding regular time stamps to the transcript. These are usually placed at 30 seconds intervals. Time coding needs specific software and it also takes longer. For these reasons, there is an extra charge per minute.